1. Jalbert M, Harris MJ, Williams L. Who is perceived to be an expert on COVID-19 vaccines on social media?: Biomedical credentials confer expertise, even among vaccine-hesitant and conservative observers.. Information, Communication and Society. 2024 Nov.

  2. Kirk D, Straus S, Childs M, Harris MJ, Couper L, Davies J, Forbes C, Gehman A, Groner M, Harley C, Lafferty K, Skinner E, O’Connor MI, Mordecai EA. Temperature impacts on dengue incidence are nonlinear and mediated by climatic and socioeconomic factors. PLOS Climate. 2024 Mar.

  3. Harris MJ, Murtfeldt R, Wang S, Mordecai EA, West JD. Perceived experts are prevalent and influential within an antivaccine community on Twitter. PNAS Nexus. 2024 Feb.

  4. Turner MA, Singleton AL, Harris MJ, Harryman I, Lopez CA, Forde R, Muraida C, Jones JH. Minority-group incubators and majority-group reservoirs for climate change adaptation. Phil Trans B. 2023 Sep.

  5. Harris MJ, Cardenas KJ, Mordecai EA. Social divisions and risk perception drive divergent epidemics and large later waves. Evol Hum Sci. 2023 Feb.

  6. Holcomb KM, Mathis S, Staples JE, Fischer M, Barker CM, Beard CB, Nett RJ, Keyel AC, Marcantonio M, Childs ML, Gorris ME, Rochlin I, Hamins-Puértolas M, Ray EL, Uelman JA, DeFelice N, Freedman AS, Hollingsworth BD, Das P, Osthus D, Humphreys JM, Nova N, Mordecai EA, Cohnstaedt LW, Kirk D, Kramer LD, Harris MJ, Kain MP, Reed EMX, Johansson MA. Evaluation of an open forecasting challenge to assess skill of West Nile virus neuroinvasive disease prediction. Parasites Vectors. 2023 Jan.

  7. Harris MJ, Tessier-Lavigne E, Mordecai EA. The interplay of policy, behavior, and socioeconomic conditions in early COVID-19 epidemiology in Georgia. J Ga Public Health Assoc. 2021 Nov.

  8. Childs ML*, Kain MP*, Harris MJ *, Kirk D, Couper L, Nova N, Delwel I, Ritchie J, Becker AD, Mordecai EA. The impact of long-term non-pharmaceutical interventions on COVID-19 epidemic dynamics and control: the value and limitations of early models. Proc Royal Soc B. 2021 Aug.

  9. Couper LI, Farner JE, Caldwell JM, Childs ML, Harris MJ, Kirk DG, Nova N, Shocket M, Skinner EB, Uricchio LH, Exposito-Alonso M, Mordecai EA. How will mosquitoes adapt to climate warming? eLife. 2021 Aug.

  10. Chande A, Lee S, Harris MJ, Nguyen Q, Beckett SJ, Hilley T, Andris C, Weitz JS. Real-time interactive website for US-county-level COVID-19 event risk assessment. Nat Hum Behav. 2020 Dec.

  11. Harris MJ, Hay SI, and Drake JM. Evidence of critical slowing down prior to malaria resurgence in Kericho, Kenya. Biol Lett. 2020 Mar.

  12. Harris MJ, Caldwell JM, and Mordecai EA. Climate drives spatial variation in Zika epidemics in Latin America. Proc Royal Soc B. 2019 Aug.

  13. Zhang JY, Lee JH, Gu X, Wei ZZ, Harris MJ, Yu SP, Wei L. Intranasally Delivered Wnt3a Improves Functional Recovery after Traumatic Brain Injury by Modulating Autophagic, Apoptotic, and Regenerative Pathways in the Mouse Brain. J Neurotrauma. 2018 Mar.


  1. Harris MJ, Trok JT, Martel KS, Borbor Cordova MJ, Diffenbaugh NS, Munayco CV, Lescano AG, Mordecai EA. Extreme precipitation, exacerbated by anthropogenic climate change, drove Peru’s record-breaking 2023 dengue outbreak.

  2. Childs ML*, Lyberger KP*, Harris MJ, Burke M, Mordecai EA. Climate warming is expanding dengue burden in the Americas and Asia.

    (*denotes shared first author)

Book chapter

  1. Shocket MS, Anderson CB, Caldwell JM, Childs ML, MacDonald AJ, Howard ME, Nova N, Han S, Harris MJ, Mordecai EA. Environmental drivers of vector-borne diseases. Population Biology of Vector-Borne Diseases. Oxford UP. 2018.